Installing OpenCV from source on Fedora 31 |
Link |
Compiling and executing OpenCV CPP programs |
Link |
Find Dominant colors from and image |
Repository |
Wiki |
Code |
Canny Edge Detection |
Repository |
Wiki |
Code |
Getting started with SQL Server and Azure data studio on Linux |
Link |
Use Microsoft SQL server docker container with Azure Data Studio -Author- Dhiraj Shrotri |
Wiki |
Check if a number is palindrome or not |
Repository |
Code |
Flask |
Check if a number is a perfect square |
Repository |
Code |
Find the maximum number from an array |
Repository |
Code |
Reverse array |
Repository |
Code |
Access camera using Python OpenCV |
Repository |
OpenCV Documentation |
Python |
Optical Flow example using Lucas-Kanade method |
Repository |
OpenCV Documentation |
Python |
Result |
Confusion Matrix : Understanding it the simple way |
Link |
Solve linear equation using TensorFlow |
Repository |
Code |
Build your own layers for deep learning models using Python and TensorFlow 2.0 |
Link |
Introduction to keras tuner with Tensorflow |
Repository |
Link |
Code |
Sentence Encoding using Tensorflow |
Repository |
Code |
Basic Sentiment in Text using Tensorflow |
Repository |
Code |
Loading Tensorflow models using OpenCV DNN function |
Link |
Code |
Linear Algebra Using TensorFlow |
Code |