
Load TensorFlow Models Using OpenCV

Background : It is always a daunting task with Tensorflow sessions and standard handling of a typical Tensorflow model when you want to run inference. However, if you are an experienced developer you may also quickly go through these steps because you are already aware about how to use Tensorflow to run inference on your model.

Object Detection

Object detection usin OPenCV’s dnn module a mobilenet model trianed on caffe.

Face Recognition using Python and OpenCV Haarcascades

Implementing simple facial recognition using Haarcascades and OpenCV

Optical Flow using OpenCV and Python

An implementation of optical flow tracker using lucas-k : calcOpticalFlowPyrLK() method in OpenCV.

Canny Edge Detection using OpenCV and C++

implementing canny edge detection from OpenCV with noise reduction, intensity gradient of image, non-maxima suppression and hysterisis thresholding

Find Dominant Color from an image using OpenCV and C++

Finding dominant color in an image with the help of quantization and eigne value.

Installing OpenCV with contrib extra modules from source on Fedora Linux

Why the sudden need? I have mostly used the OpenCV library as available from pip or by installing wheel until I required some more essential features that are not available from those pre built binaries.

Compiling and executing OpenCV programs written in C++

Compiling and executing C++ programs Browse to the directory of your cpp program and open a terminal in that folder. Create a CMake file name CMakeLists.txt in the same directory as your project :