Computer Vision Playground

Logo from pixabay images

made-with-python fork fork

A computer vision playground to try and test end to end(test to deploy) computer vision pipeline.

To contribute, create an issue and refer Contributing for possible options.

App 1 :

This app facilitates the user to just upload any desired video and check the detection accuracy based on the user selected Tensorflow model from model zoo without having to go through writing code for such commom task and can then make appropriate decision in the choice of the right model hence saving important development time.

Landing Page of the app This is the landing page when you start your Flask server. Image credits left- Tensorflow , right -Youtube, ______________________________

Model Select Page Here you can choose a model to perform object detection on your desired video. All the models are from the Tensorflow model zoo and you can also add or remove models from this section to better suit your own deployed app. After selecting your model you then upload the video you would like to process using the select a file to upload option and click submit.

List of models You can see what models are currently supported or available using the model select dropdown as shown _________________________________

Show user prompt Check to see whether you have selected a model and uploaded the file correctly before submitting the form to process your video. _________________________________

Processed Video page You can now finally download the video processed with the Tensorflow model you seected earlier and see the results for yourself

  DB Code Model
1 ssdmv2i ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco
2 ssdiv2 ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17 (Currently active)